
EmpowerItaly: Exploring Immigrants and Italians disparities in the labour market

The project addresses the potential difference in unemployment rates between immigrants and native Italians. It allows to investigate the labor market dynamics and assess whether there might be disparities in employment opportunities for immigrants.

An open data project


About the project

Acknowledging the complexity of immigration, our focus is on evaluating the active engagement of foreign individuals within Italy's labor market. Our aim is to ascertain whether immigrants experience a disproportionate impact from unemployment rates and the extent of this disparity. Our investigation seeks to pinpoint the regions in Italy with higher concentrations of immigrants and the key industries where they are predominantly employed. We have compared the labor force participation and unemployment rates between foreigners and Italians to observe and analyze any disparities that exist.

How significant is the disparity between Italians and foreigners in the labor market?

For our datasets, since we are dealing with data related to Italy, our main source is Istat, the Italian National Institute of Statistics, a public research organization that has been the main producer of official statistics since 1926, serving citizens and policy-makers.

Who is an immigrant in our context?

We define a foreign or immigrant resident as an individual possessing foreign or stateless citizenship, whose habitual residence is within the surveyed accommodation or cohabitation. This definition encompasses individuals who meet the criteria for registration in the official registry.

Immigrants Level of Education

Over the observed time span, there hasn't been a substantial change; however, there is a minor increase in the attainment of Secondary School degrees.


Source: D4

Occupation distribution

Displayed below is a comparative bar chart illustrating the number of workers (in thousands) across various occupational sectors. This visualizes a clear distinction between Italian and foreign workers. The chart allows for easy selection and comparison of workforce distribution among different sectors, shedding light on the employment patterns within these demographics.


Source: D6

Our conclusions

This project aimed at understanding significant differences between immigrants and Italians in the labour market, assessing the foreign distribution in the country, their level of education and making a comparison between these two groups in the industry sectors and in terms of activity and unemployment. In an overall it's clear the existence of a significant disparity.

Since the immigrant population is substantially smaller compared to the Italian one, they will consequently represent a smaller proportion in the labour market, but still they are always present in all the shown sectors and with further studies it could be understood if they complement the labour market when there's a lack of professionals in Italy or not.

Observing the mashup visualization is interesting to notice that immigrants with a low level of education (less than primary, primary and lower secondary school) always show a high activity rate compared to Italians. And only in the South and Islands showing a smaller unemployment rate compared to natives.

Foreigners indeed face a higher unemployment rate even though being sometimes equally or more active than natives. We understand that there is a difference between those groups that can be explained by other factors not considered here, since the aspects of the labour market are too many to be covered in this project.


Mash Up

In the chart above the activity and unemployment rate were put together in order to understand the disparities among natives and foreigners in the 4 sub-divisions used by ISTAT and among 3 levels of education in the time span of five years.


Source: MASHUP